
Monday, April 4, 2011

it's all about the dress

I've been feeling utterly obsessed with dresses here for the past week. It all started with this post at Material Obsession. In the very last photo Kathy D. is wearing a sleeveless dress made from a gorgeous Kaffe fabric. Since viewing that photo I've been on a quest to find a pattern to make that dress. It's called a "Wendy" dress and Kathy's was apparently made by Anna from Polly Pratt at I checked that website and found lots of photos of those dresses...

I've got a question in to her about the pattern/design/purchase information.  In the meantime I checked all the major pattern catalogs (Butterick, Simplicity, McCalls, Vogue) at my local Jo-Ann store and didn't find what I was looking for.  I'm not kidding when I say "obsessed" here.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for me about finding a similar dress pattern, even one with a v-neck, please let me know :)  Inspired by Venus de Hilo and her 2010 Summer of No Pants, I've decided that 2011 will be my summer of new dresses and skirts (advance warning that future posts may contain lots of apparel-related sewing).

Then I happened upon this book while browsing at
The Secret Lives of Dresses

and started reading this weekend.  The basic plot is that a young woman without any clear life plan steps in and takes over the management of her grandmother's vintage dress shop in North Carolina.  How fun!! I also discovered that the author has a blog where she features a vintage dress pattern (nearly) every day, and provides a witty narrative about the drawings on the pattern cover.  (This one's my favorite ;)

And most importantly, my eldest announced that she wanted to go prom dress shopping.  With me.  Just me.  One shop, eight dresses, and she found THE ONE...

She still has to find the shoes, find the bag, choose a hairstyle, decide on makeup...

But really, once you've found the perfect dress, it's all downhill from there, right?


  1. Stunning prom dress, how cool a mom are you! My mom would never have bought me a fitted dress with ruffles and in PURPLE. Probably why I make my own clothes now.

    Speaking of which .... I am now also obsessed with that dress, and itching to repurpose some "backings" yardage. Looks like a simple princess bodice, I'll have to rummage in the pattern stash to see if any have a nicely shaped pleated skirt.

  2. I also noticed Kathy's pretty dress last week. Can you combine patterns to come up with something similar? Your daughter's prom dress looks Oscar worthy!! My husband and I enjoyed a parade of beautiful girls/boys on prom night as we dined on the patio of a restaurant in Branson, MO this weekend. I remember the years that all the girls wanted to wear's fun to see all the pretty colors again!

  3. Love that prom dress!!! Good luck with finding the pattern! I'm going to have a look at Kathy's dress..

  4. Best of luck finding the right dress pattern, your daughters prom dress is gorgeous, wow. xo

  5. Your daughter looks absolutely stunning and red-carpet-ready! Can't wait to see photos from prom with the hairstyle, jewelry, etc.


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