
Friday, May 6, 2011

dresses and skirts and muslins, oh my!

Look out summer, here I come!! I did a little internet fabric shopping in the grey, drizzly days of April to stock my summer wardrobe.

Two prints from Tanya Whelan's Dolce line will be transformed into dress D below:

This gorgeous floral print on pink background from Bari J. Ackerman's Full Bloom line will become dress C. This was the closest commercial pattern I could find to the Polly Pratt dress worn by Kathy Doughty at Material Obsession that I obsessed about in April (and directly caused the previously mentioned shopping spree):

Another lovely Full Bloom print in lilac is destined to be skirt A:

And finally these Tanya Whelan Delilah prints are going to be the cover girl on Sew Serendipity (sans pocket - who puts a pocket with ruffles on the widest part of their body? Not me):

Lastly, since my body doesn't conform to the measurements on the pattern envelopes, a little bit of muslin to test these patterns and make them fit just right.

All fabrics were purchased from various eBay sellers and Except for that bolt of muslin. It came from Jo-Anns with a 50% off coupon :)


  1. I can't wait to see these made up!

  2. Love all your choices - fabrics and patterns. That book has been on my Amazon wish list for eons. Now I want to make some new clothes, too...

  3. I love this post!! You've been have fun planning all of these. You'll be set for spring and summer with all these beautiful dresses and skirts.


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