
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

word play

My Fresh Modern Bee blocks for July 2011 were completed over this past weekend. Mandy of Mand-A-Lin asked for word blocks made in the style of this new quilting book:

My initial reaction to this request was not very enthusiastic. I guess I was in kind of a slump, and I had convinced myself that it would be difficult and time consuming to figure out this method. So I put it on the shelf in a pile where it sat. And sat. And sat some more.

Until my local library came to the rescue, and my number in the hold queue for this book came up. And then I put the book on the shelf, where it sat, while I continued to pout about making this block. I'm not usually a pouter, but for some reason I just couldn't make myself work on this one.

Again, the library to the rescue. The book came due with no possibility for renewal since others were waiting. Put up or shut up time.

I dove in, and to my surprise and unbelievable joy, it was easy and fun!! Cutting and piecing directions for each letter were a breeze to understand and execute. Here are the letters from my assigned word "give" before adding the background fabric - you can already tell the identity of each letter:

Side background pieces have been added:

And lastly the background pieces between each letter. How fun is this block?!! All squared up it measures 5" by 18". The whole thing took me about 45 minutes.

Mandy also wanted some wonky stars to scatter across her word quilt, so here they are both together:

Thanks Mandy, for forcing me to try something new! I loved the fabrics you chose, and I'm so glad to have a new skill added to my repertoire. I even made some notes with phrases I'd like to incorporate into pillows or wall quilts using this method! :)


  1. Shelley, I have this book and have enjoyed following Tonya's blog. I'm hoping to someday make a "Word Quilt" too. So far, I've used the method to add words around the border of a quilt for my grandson and a few other small projects.

  2. Lovely work, Shelley! Aren't you glad you persisted? I can't believe it only took 45 minutes too - you must be super-fast!! Danielle x


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