I have been fortunate to meet some amazing people at my job. The LQS where I work and teach is a small but thriving business, and the owner is a woman who loves quilting and loves helping customers become the quilter they hope to be. I am a lucky girl indeed to be a part of such a creative and passionate group of people - my team of co-workers and the customers we help everyday.
While I love seeing
all our customers, there are a few that I really 'click' with. Sharon is one of those customers - she is a fellow Kaffe "nut", she loves bright and bold colors and patterns, she is always on the lookout for the next project before she has finished (or sometimes even started) the current one... in other words, we are a LOT alike.
A few weeks ago we were ooohing and aaahing over a pattern newly in the shop called
"Twinkle" by Cheryl Wittameyer. (Our shop doesn't yet have online ordering, or I'd be re-routing you there of course.) It is
very scrappy; you need 168 different fabrics cut 6 1/2" by 8 1/2"! We talked about what fun it would be to use our huge Kaffe stashes to make this quilt. A few weeks passed, I went on vacation, and the next time I was in the shop on my regular Friday shift, she walked into the shop and handed me a small shopping bag. Inside the bag, all tied up nicely with a fabric ribbon, were 158 pieces of her Kaffe (and others) stash, all cut to precisely the size needed to make the Twinkle quilt! I was speechless, to say the least! Here is a photo of all the gorgeous pieces I received...

I couldn't believe she had been so thoughtful, and when I said so she replied (with a big smile), "well it was just as easy to cut two pieces from each fabric as it was to cut one for myself, so that's what I did. One for me, one for you."
It may seem like a small thing, but to me it was an enormous gesture of kindness and thoughtfulness. It really inspired me to give more thought to the little things I can do to make others feel like it's their "lucky day." Thanks again, Sharon! Now I've got to add a few fabrics from my stash, choose my contrasting fabrics, and get busy building this gorgeous quilt :)
Happy sewing everyone, and make the most of these last few weeks of summer...