Sunday's project day was a success!! Here's my tuffet in all it's Kaffe glory. What do you think?
The center fabric-covered button...
The lovely stained and polyurethaned feet (thank you dear husband!)...
In it's new home with the Kaffe Crayon Box quilt...
Now I'm not gonna lie to you, this project was very labor intensive. Lots of foundation piecing of the (64) 2 1/2" jelly roll strips to muslin patterns (eight sections just like this one)...
There is a LOT of prep work (thanks Lorrie!) involving cutting the plywood base, hammering in the T-nuts to hold the feet, and cutting the two layers of 3" thick foam. After stapling a layer of Warm and Natural batting over the plywood and foam base, we then centered and
s - t - r - e - t - c - h - e - d
the foundation-pieced cover over the batting...Lorrie, Me, and Andrea working as a team!
stapled that layer down, and threaded the upholstery needle through the bottom...Lorrie and Andrea putting the button on Andrea's tuffet.
then pushed the button in while simultaneously pulling the string out the bottom while simultaneously pushing against the base. Whew!! Do not try this at home by yourself!!
Lorrie, Andrea, and Vicki really putting their muscles into it!
Lorrie over at SewMod organized this entire project and guided us through every step. Thanks for all the motivation, legwork, and assistance, Lorrie - I never would have attempted (let alone finished) this on my own!In fact, while I was elbow-deep in foundation-piecing, I declared that I would never make another one of these tuffets. But now that I've had a few days to admire it's loveliness, the memory of the pain is slowly ebbing from my mind... kind of like after birthing a baby - you swear you'll never do it again, but then the baby paralyzes you with it's cuteness and you forget all that pain...
I guess I've been paralyzed by it's cuteness :)
Oops, I almost forgot to show all the finished work! Clockwise from the bottom left: Andrea's Fandango tuffet, Lorrie's Soul Blossoms tuffet, and Vicki's Amy Butler assorted tuffet.