- I used to think of myself as a hale and hearty kind of gal. You know, the kind who could work all day in the yard, or go for a run whenever I wanted and have no ill after-effects from either event.
- I used to think I had a pretty decent amount of stamina and strength.
- I used to be okay with mowing the lawn because it was time spent outside, I could get a lot of thinking done, it helped my husband, and as an added bonus it was a workout and a tanning session all rolled into one.

- my heart is hammering in my chest from the effort of pushing this darn thing all over the yard,
- I am sweating profusely even though the temp is only about 60f and there is a pleasant cool breeze,
- I am stopping at the end of every row to catch my breath,
- I'll look like a complete wimp if I don't finish this before my husband gets home,
- and lastly, my mood has turned terribly dark and sour from frustration and the realization that I am not the girl that I thought I was.
Now that my little venting break is over, I've gotten this aggravation out of my system, and caught my breath, I'm headed back outside to finish this job that I started. Whew! Thanks for listening; I feel so much better now. It is what it is, and I'm still a pretty decent cookie, if I do say so myself. But I'm definitely having some wine with dinner tonight, oh yeah, that's for sure, and after all - "tomorrow is another day"!
this gave me great amusement this morning LOL! You go girl! And I am not that girl either ; )